Monday, 28 February 2011

ManCandy Monday: Double Trouble (Dirty Talking Jasper Winners)

For those of you who missed the winners announcements for the Dirty Talking Jasper Contest, let me point you towards the joint judge's pick winners (only in this order because I've read one and not the other) Wanderlust by TuesdayMidnight and Hard by SingleStrand.

First off, let me tell you that I am totally biased as far as TuesdayMidnight is concerned because she wrote Raw & Rosy which is just the best spankfic ever, and despite saying she wouldn't write a sequel, she does do the Revisited (the outtakes) to keep us fans busy.

Also, I have never read anything but SingleStrand, but if 'Hard' was good enough to tie with 'Wanderlust' it's going to be my next stop just as soon as I hit publish on this post; because Wanderlust is one of the best one shots I've read in a long time.

Jasper, our little dirty talking piece of Tex-ass, has had life hard (snickers) and although we only see snippets of why and how, the emotional feeling of being weighted down and needing to run from just about everything is very tangible. He visits old friends, old lovers and friends he hasn't seen in too long because he tried to stay in the wrong place with the wrong person. It's slowly killing him.

Then he meets Edward. Edward has ghosts too but he's not running from them, he's just very wary. He goes from being a simple conquest to something intriguing to a place Jasper can call home, and the end of the story is so simple but so heavily charged that you may well find yourself blinking back a few tears.

Despite my bias, I think this story was a well deserved winner and while you're perusing that one I'll be checking out 'Hard', which is also Jasper & Edward. Yes, I have a big smile today.

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