Friday, 31 December 2010

FanFuc Friday: Jackson Lurve

Yeah, I'm away for the holidays, but I couldn't miss a FanFuc Friday could I? Especially when there's a cute video of Jackson dancing with his mum. Can I get an 'Aww'?

He's said so many times about his parents having difficulty accepting his chosen path in life, that I thought this was just wonderful to see. I sincerely hope they're even half as proud now, of this immensely talented creature, as his fans are; because we think he's fucking awesome.

My parents haven't always been proud of my chosen path as a writer and artist, but they came around eventually. I'm glad it hasn't taken his parents as long as it took mine. My dad's spent all week trying to sneak peeks at my BEL ch14 and keeps asking questions about who the Volturi are. I can see I'm going to have to lend him my Twilight books!

In other news; there are currently not one, but two author interviews up with yours truly. Last week Madam Akyria from TwiMuses asked to interview me; that one went up today. Then this week TwiCarol from Jasper's Naughty Girls asked for one and that went up on Wednesday. I feel all heady and official, like a real Fan Fiction author! Thanks to both Carol and Akyria for posing some interesting questions, I really enjoyed taking part :)

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Tuesday Twister...

Today's Tuesday Twister is that there is no Tuesday Twister! HA!

Why? Well, obviously because it is the delectable Mr Rathbone's 26th birthday today and therefore we should wish him well and post gratuitous Jacksper pictures. Duh.

and one of the boy himself of course ;)

In other news... Tuesday also means it's update day. Chapter 10 of 'Behind Enemy Lines' will go up later today and then I'm taking a week off. There will be no update on 28th Dec as I am going to visit family for Christmas and New Year and me and my wonderful betas need a break. Next update to BEL will be 4th January (-ish, might be the 5th or 6th depending on when I get home).

Monday, 20 December 2010

ManCandy Monday: All My Secrets by Venus Envy

Have you been tempted by slash fiction but you just can't quite find the right fic to get going? Apprehensive of getting into one of the longer fics in case it's not your thing? Want something short and sweet, without too many graphic lemons and witha HEA so you can test the water?

All My Secrets by Venus Envy is what you're looking for.

First, it's short. Eight chapter, 23,000 words, you can pretty much read it in one sitting if you want to. But because it's mnore that a one shot, you get a bit of backstory. The plot concentrates on Jasper's gradual reaslisation that his friendship with Edward isn't just friendship, and takes a respectful aqnd sesitive look at how he 'comes out', when he never realised he was gay to begin with.

The character's are interesting (even Mike Newton is likeble), the storyline is intriguing enough to leave you wanting more but answers all your questions and although there is lemon material, it's not as harshly lit as it often is in slash fics. It also has the teeniest amount of almost-kink in it that is so erotically written you'll find yourself squirming and breathing heavily right along with Jasper.

"Hey, Alice," I said as she approached me. "How are finals going for you?"

She tilted her head to the side, pursing her lips before she answered. "Well, I made it through the worst of it. Just finished my calculus exam. How about you? You look a little stressed." Alice sat on the grass in front of me. I was certain her thick tights were not providing any protection from the cold ground, so I took off my jacket and handed it to her.

"I'm fine," she insisted trying to wave it away.

"At least sit on it," I pleaded. I intended to talk to her and I was sure it wouldn't be a quick hi-and-bye conversation.

She sighed in defeat, taking the jacket from me and sliding it beneath her knees.

"Thank you," she said. "Anyway, what's going on? Finals getting to you, Mister Professional Sophomore?"

"Uh...actually," I rubbed at the back of my neck nervously, "it's a little more complicated than that."

I looked down at the yellow grass between us, avoiding eye contact as I searched for the words to start a conversation that may or may not change my life forever.

"Is this about you being in love with Edward?" Alice asked, shocking the breath straight out of my lungs.
Searching for my voice, I looked up, meeting her gaze.

"I'm...not in love with Edward," I said finally.

"Oh, right. Sorry. I thought that's what you wanted to talk about. What is it then?" She looked at me innocently.

I shook my head, letting out a frustrated groan. "I just...I don't know."

"You don't know what you want to talk about," Alice asked, tilting her head again. She knew damn well what was going on. She was just baiting me, wanting me to come right out and say it.

"I do know, I just...I don't know," I said dumbly.

"Ah," she nodded, "well, that makes sense then."

"I'm not in love with Edward, but...there's definitely something there," I said quietly.

"You care about him," she remarked. It wasn't a question.

"Of course I do."

"But it isn't love."

I shook my head, knowing this conversation was getting us nowhere.

"What is it then?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Curiosity?"

"Mmm...That is a definite something," she replied. "Are you more curious about Edward, or yourself though?"

I thought about her question for a while before answering. "Myself."

She nodded.

"I already know who Edward is. He's funny and kind and thoughtful...sure of himself without being an asshole, and secure with who he is..." I trailed off wondering where all that came from.

Alice smiled at me knowingly. "You do love him," she said.

I highly recommend this if you're slash/curious but not sure whether you'll like it. It's an interesting and endearing journey alongside Jasper, from being the new kid in College to being the love of Edward's life, with nothing too traumatic or risqué, but plenty of emotion and depth.

Friday, 17 December 2010

FanFuc Friday: Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

Him. Tree. Christmas morning.
Don't make me have to spell it out for you.


ps. Don't bother to clean him up. The 'recently got fucked senseless' look works just fine.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Thursday Thoughts: On Anonymous Pansy-Ass Reviewers

I was going to write my Thursday Thoughts about anonymous reviewers who piss all over other people's hard work in complete anonymity, while sites like FFn do nothing to protect their authors from this form of cyber-bullying, and who don't even have the cahones to put a name to their reviews, let alone write their own (obviously, far superior) stories to show us mere mortals how it's done.

But I didn't bother, because, after due consideration, I decided that THE Chick Norris said it so much more eloquently than I ever could.

I will add though, that I'm seriously going to consider allowing anonymous reviews on my stories. Not to bait anyone, I could do without the drama thanks; but because, like Chick, I'm big enough and bad ass enough to handle this shit. I figure if they're busy reading, scrutinising and 'reviewing' my story, they're not picking on some poor teenage kid with a self-esteem complex, who may never pick up a pen again thanks to sad little bitches like this. Maybe it's up to us with the Team Whitlock spirit to stand on the front lines and protect those less fortunate than ourselves.

Nothing these anonymous reviewers could say would ever bother me or stop me writing MY stories and fanfics the way I want to write them, because I don't give a shit what other people think. I write for myself, and only myself, because I enjoy it; that's all.

If, by some fortunate happenstance, someone else reads it and likes it and goes to the trouble to drop by and say 'Hey, love the story, I'm following along with you', then that's just grand. I will thank them, happily and politely, for taking the time to read and review and maybe throw them a spoiler for the next chapter; because I like it when others are entertained or moved enough to want to speak out.

Considering allowing anonymous reviews? Yes. Wondering if my stress levels could cope with how much I would want to lean through the monitor and beat their asses with a spatula? Also yes. Having the privilege to be acquainted with someone as formidable and eloquent as Chick? Priceless.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Tuesday Twister: Family Therapy; Cullen Style by vjgm

Did you ever read the Twilight Saga and think 'Damn, those Cullens need to go to group therapy.'?

Yeah, so did this author. If you're looking for something a bit more lighthearted and humorous for the holidays, 'Family Therapy, Cullen Style' by vjgm is what I suggest. It's funny but in a subtle way, not slapstick and it's had me crying with laughter on several occasions. Even more surprising is that the author didn't make them AH, so it's even funnier, because the therapist obviously doesn't know about them being vampires.


Carlilse comes home from a particularly taxing day at the hospital to find mayhem at home, as usual. He swiftly calls a family meeting and decides that family therapy is the way to go. Enter Dr Benjamin Dover (think about it...) who will soon realise that this family is nothing like the Patridges.

I managed to do quite well, just giving the occasional chuckle here and there, though enjoying it immensely; until part way through Ch 5. This is the point where I about lost it and actually had to stop reading because I couldn't see the screen for the tears of laughter rolling down my face. Edward's line is just perfect.
Edward POV (so we hear some internal thoughts as well)

"Well, gentlemen, like I told the ladies a few minutes ago, I want to thank you for coming to therapy. I know this can be very scary and uncomfortable, but I think I can help you and your family settle some issues and move forward to a healthier relationship. Shall we begin?" He asked eagerly.

Jasper and I shrugged our answer while Emmett gleefully said "Bring it on doc. Do your worst."

Dr. Dover was taken off guard by Emmett's outburst and he quickly scanned his paper before he spoke. "Well, we already touched on Edward a bit before, about we start with you Jasper? Can you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"My name is Jasper Hale, and I was adopted by the Cullen's a little more than 5 years ago." Jasper answered in a rush, never making eye contact with the doctor..

And... Dr. Dover thought to himself.

"Anything else you'd like to tell me about yourself Jasper?" The doctor tried to press.

Leave me alone, Leave me alone. Jasper was chanting in his head to the doctor. He finally answered out loud "No. that's it."

Frustrated, the doctor turned to me and asked "Is he always this quiet?"

Careful Edward...Jasper warned.

"Yes he's usually pretty quiet." I said glancing up at the doctor's bookcase casually, and a brilliant idea came to me. "Unless he's discussing the Civil War, then he becomes a complete chatterbox!" I laughed.
You will regret that dear brother.

Yankees beware, the confederate vampire has risen! Emmett laughed to himself.

"Jasper that is so amazing! I am quite the history buff myself, the Civil War is a special area of interest of mine. Sherman's march to the sea, the emancipation proclamation, Abraham Lincoln's presidency, the restored union." Dr. Dover was waving his hands wildly at the bookcase behind him where he had over 100 books that told the tales of the great Union army and the fall of the Confederacy. Jasper silently seethed in his chair, but Dr. Dover was so distracted by the subject he didn't even notice.

"Greatest military figure of the Civil War, Jasper?"

"General Lee"

"Best battle?"

"Bull Run."

"Lincoln or Davis?"

"Do you really need to ask Yankee?" Jasper spat as he rose to his feet. Right on cue, Emmett starts humming 'Dixie' causing Jasper to jump to attention like a good little Confederate soldier and salute. Jasper's patriotism seeped off him in waves and hit poor Dr. Dover right between the eyes.
A confederate 'butternut' in my office? I will have none of that...Dr. Dover thought.

Not to be outdone, Dr. Dover sprang to his feet and began humming 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' with his hand over his heart.

Yankee scum! Jasper glared in his head.

Jasper reached into his pocket and pulled out a bandanna with the confederate flag on it that he carried with him at all times, and wrapped it proudly around his head. He then jumped on top of his chair and began singing 'Yellow Rose of Texas', which was one of the confederate soldier's favorite marching song at the top of his lungs.

Edward Cullen, what have you unleashed in there? Alice asked from the waiting room. You know how bad this gets, he'll be marching around the yard for a week! He's wearing that damn bandanna isn't he? His hair will be all smashed down now. Shame on you Edward.

Hilarious as is was for Emmett and I, it was time to end this episode of Civil War Idol. "Jasper, the South loses, you need to let it go..."
Yes, even Edward's funny and likeable in this one. (more EPOV)

Emmett's sense of self preservation took over.
"Edward hears voices!" He shouted.
"For the love of God Emmett!" I roared. How dumb was he? Well I knew the answer to that but to let that bit of information slip? I wanted to tear him limb from limb and find a match. Wait, why am I so angry?
"Damn it Jasper!" I hissed. Jasper was hiding a laugh behind his raised hand.
"Edward! Is what Emmett said true? Do you hear voices?" Dr. Dover asked with wide eyes. Is he schizophrenic? Multiple personality would explain the suicide attempt...
Ha ha Edward's in the hot seat now. How does it feel Edward? Emmett gloated in his pea brain.
Remembering what Carlisle said, I replied "Yes. I hear voices." Jasper gasped and Emmett tipped his chair over in shock.
Are you nuts? I mean for real... Jasper thought first.
What the hell are you doing? You can't tell him that...Carlisle is going to kill you... Emmett chanted.
"How long have you been hearing voices for?"
"As long as I can remember."
"What do the voices say?" The doctor's writing picked up as he tried to write every word that came out of my mouth.
"All kinds of things."
"Do they ever tell you to do bad things?" He asked cautiously. Jasper and Emmett sat silently still. Jasper tried to calm me, thinking I was having a real breakdown or something.
"Often." It was getting harder and harder not to smile at the absurd questions.
"And what do you do when the voices tell you to do bad things?" I bet a voice told him to kill himself, that makes so much sense now...
"I usually hit Emmett or Jasper."
"Huh?" Dr. Dover asked taken completely off guard by my answer.
"I usually hit either Jasper or Emmett, whoever is closer. Then the voices usually stop."
If you're gearing yourself up, as I am, for a Christmas of family mayhem, then this could be just the tonic you need.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Monday ManCandy: Over The Top by Starfish422

This week's J/E slash rec is Over the Top by Starfish422.

This is not a new fic, in fact I seem to be one of the last people in the world to actually read it. But having read it, albeit a year after everyone else, I was so affected by it I had to recommend it. After all, there's always someone who's newer to the fanfic arena than you, right?

And if any slash fic is worth rec'ing it's this one. It actually made me cry. I got so caught up in the story I didn't review it until the end of ch16, by which time I was bawling my eyes out. This is the part that got to me.

from ch16

He grabs my shoulders. "You are FUCKING LYING!" he roars. I'm crying too hard to answer him – I can only shake my head. He releases me and storms back out of the bedroom to the living room. Slowly I follow him; I stand in the doorway between the two rooms, watching as he paces around the room, his hands again clasped behind his back, muttering to himself.

"This is too's too close," he murmurs. Again and again he repeats those words – too close. Finally he says, "No!" and skids to a halt. He eyes me standing there watching him; and says, "He knows we've been together. I have worked too hard..." he breaks off and closes his eyes, trying to collect his thoughts. When they reopen, all trace of tenderness, any affection he's held for me – they're all gone. Replaced by an infinite vacancy that tears my heart into a thousand pieces.

"This's over," he says flatly. "They know we've been together. Thanks to you, they have a lovely little window into my life."

"Edward, no..." I plead. "He didn't know we were together till they saw us tonight. I didn't tell him..."
"But they know now, Jasper," he continues, cold, detached. "And that is insupportable. You'll see him at the hospital, he'll ask you about're too polite to tell him that it's none of his fucking business..." He shakes his head. "No. The window is closed. It was...fine...while it lasted. But it's done now."
My eyes close and I feel myself start to sway. I have to reach out to the door frame to steady myself. Three words repeat in my mind, over and over.

When I reopen my eyes, he is dialing his phone. "Who are you calling?" I manage to whisper.

"A cab," he answers bluntly.

The room feels like it's spinning as I listen to him speak to the dispatcher; he provides his own address as the pickup address and mine as the destination. This isn't can't be the way it

Finally Edward clears his throat. I open my eyes, and he's holding my coat and the box I picked up from the table at the restaurant. "The taxi will be here soon. I'd rather you waited downstairs," he says ungraciously. "Here's your stuff."

"That's not mine," I whisper, indicating the box.

"Well, I don't need it anymore," he replies. "I don't want it in my apartment. Take it with you."

I shrug into my coat, and take the box from his hands. He shoves his hands in his pockets and stares at the floor. It's can this be the end?

One last time, I implore him. "Please don't do this..."

Finally he meets my gaze, but his eyes are cold and dead. He steps past me to open the door. "I didn't do this," he says coldly. "Goodbye, Jasper."

I will not say goodbye. "I love you." I refuse to believe I'm the only one feeling it.

The door closes behind me, and it's so final, so abrupt. I want to collapse on the floor outside his door. Somehow, though, I know I have to get home first. I stumble my way down the stairs, and the cab is waiting outside the front door.

I get in, and the cab driver asks, "Where to?" I manage to choke out my address, and he turns around to look at me. "Are you okay?" he asks, with kind concern.

"No," I answer truthfully. "Please, just take me home."
Yeah. I know, right? It's one of those moments where you find yourself desperately wanting to scream 'Just fucking talk to each other, you'll figure it out!' but you can't because of the tears and snot and they wouldn't hear you from behind the handful of tissues anyway.

It's not all angst though, and it has a HEA, a spin off and plenty of outtakes. It's well written, the author does present tense excellently and mixes present moments with flashbacks flawlessly, and the characterisation is fantastic. These boys grow and learn and change, both apart and together and it's amazing to look back at them in ch1, once the journey is over, and see where they started out.

Don't think you'll be disappointed in this one. It's a completed fic too, so perfect to go with that bottle of wine you were saving for Christmas ;).

Friday, 10 December 2010

Fanfuc Friday: Showing Some Jackson ♥

Don't you just want to lick all his tattoos in alphabetical order?

Paying special attention to that one...

Monday, 6 December 2010

Monday ManCandy: 'Sketchbook Revelations' by PolkaDotMama

It's Monday so it must be tie for some more slash fiction with the adorable twosome. This week's rec is 'Sketchbook Revelations' by PolkaDot Mama.

It's another AH/OOC M rating *whispers* on account of the boy-sex (which is also excellently written btw, as per my lemons requirements) but in a nice twist, this story is complete. Yes that's right folks, if you're looking for some instant gratification to get you through the Holidays, this is it.

Author's summary: Jasper makes a confession to Edward that changes their lives forever. When words fail they rely on their sketches and more to reveal their inner most secrets. Their unique friendship grows and transforms. Can it survive the sketchbook revelations?

There's everything you could want from a story in this. The characters are superbly crafted, the plot line is a mixture of tentative steps in the present and past revelations; sweet couple moments where only they matter, and harsh family reality where 'who you do' can become more important than who you are.

And dare I say it? I really like Edward in this. No, really I do. He's insecure and shaken and vulnerable and he cares just a little too much about everything. He's very real and there's none of that arrogance we normally associate with him (although he is a bit of a drama queen at times...). Jasper is a sweet, sensitive soul and the character development right from the beginning is a slow and steady progression.

And if you like a bit of angst you won't be disappointed. Who's sending Jasper threatening notes? And what will his dad the 'don't ask, don't tell' Colonel, who refused to speak to Edward for a year when he came out, saw when he finds out Jasper is not only gay but with Edward?!

Here's an excerpt from chapter 19. It's important to understand at this point that Jasper has been working as an often-nude model for some time to supplement his income. It's a superb piece of character development that really showcases their relationship.
Driving to the art gallery, I started to feel a little anxious. It had been awhile since I had modeled nude before students, and I had never done it with another man, only solo or with a woman. The debacle that was the underwear photo shoot showed me what could happen when I was seated so closely to Jasper, and I really didn't want a repeat performance of Little Eddie wanting to come out to play, especially when he was already…out. Hopefully, with our relationship not being so new anymore, I wouldn't get hard just from his skin touching mine. Although, Jasper might have that problem this time around, considering how his body had been reacting to mine for the last few months. I just hoped we wouldn't embarrass ourselves.
When we arrived at the gallery, we were surprised at how large the class was. There must have been thirty students and easels forming a circle around a large round rug with several pillows scattered on it that was obviously our spot. The teacher approached us and asked in his heavy French accent if we were the models, saying we fit Dr. Banner's description to a tee, while he led us to a small room off of the studio where we could change for the class.
"I'm a bit nervous," I admitted while we started to get undressed. "Are you?"
"No. I do this all the time though. It's almost second nature to me now. I'll be there right next to you, and we can probably even talk most of the time, especially tonight while they are just roughing things in."
There was a small knock on the door and we quickly left the room to enter the studio. The teacher's back was to us as we made our way to the rug and started to find a comfortable position we felt we could hold for three hours. When the teacher turned to give us more direction he walked toward me and asked if I could recline on an elbow with a knee raised. Jasper was facing me, my knee in front of his torso and when the teacher walked around to his back, he let out a gasp, and then a small shriek.
Jasper jumped at the loud noise behind him, and I scowled as I saw where the man was looking and what he had reacted to.
"Your body is…scarred!" he said in a scandalous, pretentious voice, accusation dripping from his tone.
Jasper turned to face him and told him with no shame, "Yes. I was assaulted nearly two months ago." As his body was turned, the man scanned the scar on Jasper's side where his spleen had been removed, and a look of disgust twisted on his face.
"This will not do. I am paying you very good money to sit for these fine artists. I need models who have bodies that are perfect. You will have to go," he said with condescension to Jasper, and then looked to me. "You can stay."
"No sir, I'm sorry. If Jasper goes, then I go too." I held my anger back, biting my bottom lip until it hurt. "Now if you'll excuse us, I believe you have a class to teach and new models to find." Standing quickly, I held my hand out to Jasper and pulled him to his feet, seeing unshed tears swimming in his eyes. I held his hand as we hastily moved toward the dressing room, seeing many eyes follow us that were filled with embarrassment, shame, and anger, but it was all directed at their teacher, not us.
We dressed in silence, making quick work of our clothes and shoes before leaving the room. As we walked toward the front of the gallery, I noticed several people had packed up their art supplies and were leaving the class, even though one of the students had stepped in and was already laying down on the rug serving as the model. I unlocked the car and started to open the door, overhearing several of the students complaining about the teacher, talking about how bad they felt for Jasper and how unnecessary firing him was before I took us away from that place as fast as I could.
I didn't know what to say, but I felt I should say something to him. His eyes were glassy as he stared out the passenger window and ran the fingers of his right hand over the back of his left. It was obvious that this hurt him and when I took a breath to say something he turned to me and looked me straight in the eye.
"Don't say anything, Edward. I knew this was going to eventually happen. I never thought it would happen at an art class. I always thought it would be with a modeling job." His eyes looked resigned and sad, and all I wanted to do was go back there and punch that fucker in the face. I must have been clenching my teeth because Jasper reached over and started to gently massage my jaw with his thumb as he smiled at me. "Let's just go home, Babe. Now we have five nights to ourselves. We can do whatever we'd like. How about a movie?" he asked, the smile finally reaching his eyes.
"But the money Jasper. That would have helped you so much." He looked back toward the side window, and I saw him nod his head out of the corner of my eye. We both remained silent the rest of the drive home, but I reached for his hand and held it between us, our arms resting on the console.
When we walked in the front door, Jasper hung up his coat, took off his shoes, and started turning on Christmas lights all over the house, including the outdoor lights. His silence was scaring me but I let him be, knowing that he wasn't ready to talk quite yet. I was used to this routine because this was how things were handled in the past. If something bothered Jasper, he was quiet while he thought about it, and tried to work it out, eventually he would come to me. I knew how to play this role as his friend, but I wasn't sure I could do this as easily as his lover, but I would do my best to give him space.
I walked to our room and quickly got dressed into a pair of red flannel pajama pants. In the kitchen, I popped some popcorn, opened a couple of bottles of beer before heading into the living room to find a movie that I thought Jasper might enjoy. When he joined me a few minutes later wearing a pair of navy flannel pants, I was already settled into the corner of the couch, sitting cross-legged, resting the bowl of popcorn between my legs. Jasper sat in the middle of the couch, stretching out his long legs and resting his bare feet on the coffee table. He still hadn't spoken except for saying 'thank you' when I handed him a beer and I wasn't about to push it so I started the movie.
As soon as the popcorn bowl was emptied and set on the coffee table, Jasper laid his head in my lap, as if he had been waiting for his spot to open up. Without thought, I wove my fingers through this hair, fingering the wheaten curls and playing with the soft locks at the back of his neck. It didn't take long for him to fall fast asleep, so I turned off the DVD player and television, sitting there and watching the peace finally wash over his face, erasing the subtle lines of worry that only I could distinguish.
I wasn't sure what Jasper was most upset about. Was it the loss of the money, or the fact that he had been turned down for a job because of the scarring that Jessica caused? The longer I thought about it, the angrier I became. Not only had she nearly killed him, but now she was still affecting his life and most importantly, his fucking livelihood. It wouldn't always be that way, but now, while he tried to pay for school, he was using his body to make money.
There was only one thing that I could think of to help him…somehow give him money. If he stopped paying me his rent, which I really saw as part of the mortgage, that would free up a lot of cash each month, but I knew that he would never agree to that, knowing that I had to make our house payment.
I had been considering closing out one of my investment accounts and if I did, I would have enough money to pay off our house. The money wasn't earning nearly as much interest as I was paying on my loan, and the money would be better served paying for real estate that we planned on living in for many years to come.
This was our house.
From start to finish this story is superbly written, with so much attention to detail it'll astound you. The sketchbook theme is woven throughout and the relationship is beautifully written, showing a real in-depth awareness of the dynamics between two people who know everything about each other and yet are re-discovering themselves and each other as well.

And when you're done with that? There's outtakes.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

I Won! *happy dance*

Thank you SO much to everyone who voted for 'Behind Enemy Lines' in the Sparkleteers Awards. I won my Category - Diamond in the Rough: Most Original Storyline.

I am so inspired right now. I intend to continue posting once a week (every Tuesday) over Christmas. My poor beta's need a rest and time to drink some eggnog. I've been working them like slaves the last month!

My story was also part of #NaNoWriMo and I forgot to mention I 'won' that too. I finished on Nov 23rd, a full week ahead of schedule.
At this point I think we're about 1/4-1/3 through the story. Depends how much more I jig around with it before the end. I keep adding new story threads as I go, so might be a while before we're done!

Saturday, 4 December 2010

'Fire & Ice' - Darksper O/S

This is my submission for the 'Nightmare Before Christmas' Contest on .

Summary: Five years after the Cullens left, 23 year old Bella has finished College and is back home with her father. It's Christmas Eve, but it's not Santa who's paying Bella a visit this year.

Disclaimer: Rated MA for just about everything. This is a DARK fic and contains dark themes, violence and Darksper. SM owns all; I just like to mess with her creations.

A/N: It is debatable whether part of this story could be seen as rape. I did not write it with that intent, but feel it wise to caution readers.

Beta'd by: Cowgirl_Amber & Dangerkitty (from FFn)

Friday, 3 December 2010

FanFuc Friday: Jackson ♥

♥ Jackson ♥
God's way of saying sorry that Johnny's already taken.

Come on now. Don't tell me you don't see the resemblance...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Thursday Thoughts: Bitter Lemons & Sour Grapes

Lemons. Straight, slash, cannon or just plain freakin' weird, they crop up in the majority of M rated fics and, let's be honest, sometimes that's why we read a fic. You know from the very beginning there will be a lemon in every chapter and whether it's a sensitively written love story or just fuckery for the sake of it, you know what to expect.

But that right there is the major problem I have with some fanfics: You know what to expect.

I'm not talking here about stories that are meant to be pure smut. They have their place, of course. I'm talking here about stories that are meant to have good plot lines and well developed characters but which are masked behind a veil of sex so thick you'd need a werewolf claw to break through it.

Call me weird, but I like a bit of diversity in my fruit bowl. Every single encounter does not have to be the same and follow the same formula. I've lost count of the fics where I've read the exact same sequence of events in more than 3 chapters. Girl-meets-naked, boytongue-meets-pussy, girl-gets-screwed senseless, ladies-always-come-first. Yes, yes, I understand; there are (as my beta-wife so eloquently put it) 'only so many ways you can write 'in-out-in-out'; but you're writers for heaven's sake. ust because you decided to use someone else's universe and work in the Fan Fiction arena does not excuse a complete dearth of imagination.

I don't know, maybe that formula is the universal idea of the perfect encounter (not mine but heh...); read it 14 times in a week and it's boring. With a capital Z. Once in the same story is fine, possibly even twice; every writer will write that same formula differently a couple of times. A superb writer could make that encounter interesting maybe four times. More than that and you're risking people skim-reading through your carefully crafted lemons to find the next plot sequence.

Now, I'm not claiming to be the oh-so-wonderful-guru-writer-of-lemons. Far from it. My lemons suck and not in a good way. I generally try to skim over them in a teen-rated way so I don't actually have to write them at all or only write them in a nasty, darkfic way so I can get away with not having to write the same stuff everyone else is. But I know what I like to read and 51 chapters of the same old, same old, is not it. I've given up on some fics that started out as my favourites because the last 25 chapters are just one long excuse to have sex.

I've given it some thought and here's what I like to see as a reader and what I don't;
  • Same thing over and over and over... Please, if you must write 'the formula' only do it a couple of times. Switch things up a bit. Add in a comic relief moment where your vamps break the bed. Swap your pairs over and let someone else be on top for once. Drop in a bit of kink - you don't have to do hardcore BDSM to have someone getting frisky with the ice cream. If all else fails, move locations. A porch swing will do just as well as a bed.
  • Don't write what you don't know about... You may think that because you've read lots of other fics with lemons in, that you know what you're writing about, even if you've never passed first base yourself. Sorry, you don't and unless you're an exceptionally skilled writer, we can tell. I don't mean to discourage you from trying but please, at least grab a sexually active friend or relative and ask questions. Similarly, if you're a girl, writing a boy POV is tricky. The majority of your FF readers are probably female and won't know any different, but imo you should do some research beforehand. Most boys will be happy to tell you what it's like from their end, though they tend to brag a bit. And please don't tell me you can't get a gay guy to tell you all about it because if can't then you obviously don't know any.
  • Sex is not always perfect... Formula mark #2: They both 'cum' together or within a very short space of time, one orgasm pushing the other 'over the edge' as they 'scream each other's names in ecstasy'... Yeah right. I'll say to you what I said to my beta-wife; I've never met a guy who could remember my name or his own during the Big-O, let alone articulate it. I don't know, maybe our English boys aren't like your American boys, but to me it's unrealistic. Again, it's the ideal encounter for a lot of people but ideal and perfect are not the same. Perfect doesn't mean 'according to the preset formula' it means 'exactly right for your characters in their present circumstances'.
  • But it is sometimes very funny... One of the best lemons I've read (and shamefully I can't even point you to the link because it was before I used to save links - please let me know if you recognise it) was one where Emmett & Rosalie were getting it on and he got so enthusiastic he fell off the bed, resulting in the pair of them rolling around on the floor in hysterics and a very confused empath in the house. This was a comic relief moment in a very serious and dark fic and it was not over-done. It wasn't slapstick, it was just one of those things that happens and it was maybe five paragraphs of a whole chapter. But I remember it.
  • Showers make you wrinkly... What is it with you people and showers? I once read a fic where in the space of 18 story-hours they had 15 showers because of the amount of sex. Now one or two I get. You have to get clean at some point and shower sex is an obvious 'yes' in the shake it up a bit arena, but really, no one takes that many showers unless there's something wrong with them. Look at your fic in real time and see if it's even possible to do what you have them doing. Granted if it's two vamps, pretty much anything is possible, but there's fantasy and there's WTF? 15 showers in 18 hours = WTF.
  • Vamp guys don't fall asleep right after... So why aren't you making the most of it? No I don't mean yet another round, I mean what about some pillow talk? Take advantage of the fact that your guy is not falling asleep mumbling something that may or may not be 'I love you' and move your story forward; or fill in a gap; or have him think back to something in his POV while your human heroine falls asleep in his arms. Anything. Except more of what you just wrote for the last 15 chapters. And don't forget your femmes. They have thoughts afterwards too. Why not clue us in on some of their history by thinking back to the first time? Or their honeymoon(s)? Or remember an encounter from their human life?
  • Vary your language... There are only so many ways you can name things and we know that. But you don't have to use the same four words in the whole story and you don't have to throw every dirty word you know into the first lemon. Change tone from one set of characters to the next. Esme & Carlisle might be romantic and use non-descriptive words; Rosalie & Emmett can be quiet raucous; Edward probably uses the correct anatomical terms for everything whilst Domsper is all about the dirty words. Not to mention adding in extras like a bit of foreign language. Seriously, no one will mind you trawling Google translate for a couple of endearing Italian terms for the Volturi couples or the odd Spanish phrase for Maria. They may try to correct your grammar (good, you learn something new) and they may need you to translate in an A/N at the bottom, but they will at least realise that you're trying to add some spice to your lemons.
  • Coming up for air... Yes, sometimes kisses are so earth shattering that when you end them you're gasping for breath. But if you're ending them because you're gasping for breath, I feel I must impart this important biological fact to you. It's possible to kiss and breathe through your nose at the same time. Seriously. Try it. I once had an encounter with a very beautiful boy called Ben during a snow day where we kissed on his sofa for around 25 minutes and didn't break apart once 'for air'. And yes, he was totally 'on a  par with Jackson' hot. Ooh and that tongue... *ahem* Sorry, I digress...
  • Sometimes it's just not necessary... Yes, I said that! It's not always necessary to include sex in your story. I know the peer pressure of trying to get reviews will have you thinking it is, because stories whose reviews go through the roof often include the smutty lemons, but it's not necessary. For every person who enjoys a good lemon, there is a person who'd rather not read that stuff and is happy to gloss over it. If you have a strong plot and well rounded characters you can get away with none at all. I've read fics where the characters did nothing past second base and still enjoyed the story immensely. Yes, it'll get you reviews and readers. But is that what you want? Or would you rather have a few dedicated followers who enjoy your writing and don't mind that you don't have them schmexing it up every two hours? After all, SM managed it didn't she?
  • They are called cliches for a reason... Please, can you at least try to be a bit different? In my exemplar (below), the writer has used 'Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy' in a previous chapter. But she did it in Spanish and Bella had no idea what she was saying to Jasper. Char had set her up, Bella was baffled and Jasper nearly swallowed his tongue before laying into Peter, who he thought was to blame. Simple, effective, different.
Now, I understand that a list of do's and don'ts is very subjective and often difficult to make sense of, so I give you Exhibit A. My exemplar.

Long Way Down by forthelongestday (FFn link & TwiWrite link)

I'm linking you here to the latest chapter, Ch21 which is the first full on lemon, though there has been plenty of hanky-panky previously. If you don't have time to read the whole thing (shame on you, it's awesome), here's a rough synopsis of the story so far:-

Jasper stayed with Bella, working with the wolves to protect her, but Victoria got through anyway and Bella was so seriously injured she had to be changed. Bella's newborn time was difficult and she had trouble reconciling the fact that Jasper had changed her, while he struggled to hide his feelings for her. She's hell-bent on revenge against Victoria, so enter reinforcements - Peter & Char and Rosalie & Emmett. At this point in the story Bella is learning to fight from Peter, who she is only just learning to trust. Emmett & Rosalie are scouting the newborn encampment where Vicky & her crew are and Jasper & Bella have recently figured out that they're in love and mates no less.

Jasper & Bella have been taking things slooooow. Up to this point they've been warily working their way through the bases, waiting for Bella to feel like she's in the right place to take it all the way. In the last chapter she decided it was indeed time to take her cowboy for a ride.

Ch21 has everything you could possibly want from a 'this is the moment we've all been waiting for' chapter. It has a great start, moving Jasper forward and building Bella's confidence, then there's a lemon that's so sweetly written as to be totally erotic and heart racing - no harsh words, no standard formula, no rampant sexploits, no sexathons - just Bella & Jasper finally being together in a way they're both completely ready for, resulting in an emotionally cathartic release for both them and the reader.

But wait! There's more! Yes, after a brief rest, out comes the pillow talk. We're taken back in time a bit to the first night they were together, we get some more insight into Jasper's true feelings about the Victoria situation and Bella realises that while being strong for Jasper is good, she also has to be willing to show her vulnerabilities so he can show his. It's the last piece of the jigsaw of their relationship, slotting into place before the big run up to the finale.

In short, it's everything I expect from a lemon chapter and more. Read it. You won't be disappointed.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Monday Mancandy: Mergers & Acquisitions by Domward's Mistress

So you probably worked out by now that when I'm not reading or writing Jasper/Bella fics I'm delving into the Jasper/Eddie slash fics. In fact, I often find the only time I actually like Edward is when he's being manhandled by Jasper.

For those of you missing the deliciousness that was tuesdaymidnight's Raw & Rosy, may I suggest Mergers and Acquisitions by Domward's Mistress. It's an M rating and with good reason; if you don't like slash-lemons and rape/abuse storylines then you might not want to read it because there is plenty of it and some of it will bring you to tears. BUT having said that it's all written with such expertise that you'll be awed how sensitively she deals with these subjects.

What's it About?

(AH) Jasper is a gay street hooker who, in a Pretty Woman-esque moment is whisked off to a nice hotel by Tanya who turns him into a high class escort. Peter and Edward are just two of his very rich clients and the boy who had no childhood, suffered all kinds of abuse and ended up as a homeless hooker in Seattle by the age of twenty, is suddenly thrown into a new world.

Three hours later, we were walking into an empty apartment on the twentieth floor of a downtown high rise in a part of town I had rarely seen even though most of my johns probably came from the suburbs and areas like this. Driving their Toyotas and minivans down my street, the closeted husbands sought me out, their eyes roaming my open-aired office for just the right boy to fuck in hopes of allowing them to get it up for their wives later.
"So, what do you think?" she smiled, turning to me. Looking out the window over the Seattle skyline, I saw the sun setting, the last rays of the day peeking out behind the clouds.
"It's great…."
"But?" she encouraged, knowing I was not finished.
"Seems a bit too good to be true," I finally said, still not looking at her, and shoving my hands deep into my pockets.
"Well, Jasper, I believe in treating my employees very well. They are my bread and butter so to speak, and should be treated respectfully."
The hardwood floors and beautiful view were more than 'respectfully'.
"That being said," she walked over to stand next to me, her hand on my arm forcing me to look at her. "If you do work for me, you will do as I say and go where I tell you to go. In return, I will treat you well, but there are conditions you must meet and follow."
Nodding, I remembered the so-called conditions she had told me at the coffee shop. My position required me to be at her beck and call six days, or rather nights, a week to entertain clients. This entertaining could be anything from dinner to spending the entire night with them. In turn, she would provide me with a cell phone, apartment, gym membership, a percentage of my intake and a car and driver.
"Oh, you will also have a credit card," she informed me, pulling out an American Express Gold Card. In awe, I stared at the card. I had only seen them on the sides of the buses that drove by me as I sat in car while some john had his lips around my cock. "For all work related expenses, such as condoms, clothing, dinners, lube…toys."
After almost spitting my coffee out, I quirked an eyebrow at her, "Excuse me?"
"Toys. Vibrators, dildos, bondage….toys."
I wasn't in fucking Kansas anymore.
"Are you still interested?" she asked, placing the card back in her wallet.
Fuck yes.
"Good. Our next step is to get you tested and into some proper clothes."
She pulled out a business card and slid it across the table to me. "Call this office tomorrow and make an appointment. They will fit you as soon as you call."
Standing up, she swung her bag over her shoulder. "Now, let me show you the apartment."

 It's a Jasper/Edward/Peter love triangle with some extra complications thrown in (Riley fans won't be disappointed, I adore him in this story) and it gets more and more heartbreaking as it goes along. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is straightforward in this story and just when you think you have  handle on things she throws in a whole new perspective that makes you wonder who you can trust. There's a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of slash/lemons in this, obviously, but some of it is hilarious and she doesn't disapppoint with the little comedic interludes - many of them including Jasper's driver, Aro, whose unique perspective is something to behold.

The gentleman that had answered was about what I had expected, six inches shorter than me, and twenty pounds overweight, the hair that should have been on his head was on his chest. He wore nothing but a pair of plaid boxers.
He put a whole new twist on the term 'Keeping up with the Joneses'.
With a fake smile on my face, I held out my hand. "Mr. Jones, I'm Jasper."
I felt like a Christmas day ham put in front of a starving man as his eyes roamed hungrily up and down my body.
"Do you have what I requested?"
I am well, thank you for asking, asshole.
Nodding, I walked into the foyer and was directed to a room near the back of the house. It was furnished with expensive well crafted furniture and Oriental rugs covered shiny hardwood floors. Walking through, I glanced around at the exits and possible weapons. Tayna always made sure that we were walking into the safest situations possible, but if matters fell into my own hands, I wanted to be the one that walked out alive.
He had led me into an office of sorts where all but one piece of furniture had been pushed against the walls. In the middle of the room sat a wicker couch without a back with a small white cloth on it. Next to the couch was a small table with a bowl of grapes on it. As he reclined on the couch and rested against of the arms, he motioned to my jacket.
"Take it off."
I didn't mind his eagerness, I wanted to get it over with, but he could have been a little nicer about it. While I undid the buttons of my jacket, he pulled his boxers down, letting his small erection free. I chuckled, remembering Aro's comment of they come in different shapes…and sizes apparently.
Turning, I hung my jacket on the coat rack by the door and turned to face him. I had never felt more embarrassed than I did then.
Dressed in nothing more than a silk white toga, I walked over to him and knelt beside him.
"How may I serve you, my Master?" I asked, bowing my head like the good servant I was pretending to be.
Smiling, he had run a hand through my hair and I had to stop from gagging at his touch. "Feed me those grapes," he said, pointing to the bowl on the table. "One by one."
Picking up the bowl, I saw all the grapes and realized I was going to be there all fucking night. With a sigh, I held a grape up to his dry lips and watched with pretend interest as he took them into his mouth.
I hoped like fuck he didn't want to blow me because the thought of those lips around my cock made me ill, to say nothing of limp as hell.
Three hours, one blow job and finger fucking later, I left. Aro stood by the car's door watching me walk toward him, my toga visible under my open coat. As I reached the car, he was about to speak, but I stopped him.
"Don't ask," I demanded, getting into the back seat. Aro got in and started the car.
"Sir, may I ask just one question?" he requested politely.
"Fine," I sighed, leaning my head against the seat.
"Where did you put your Blackberry in that thing?" he laughed.
But at the heart of the story are two very confused boys; one who's so far out of the closet he didn't know there was one but who missed out on having any kind of childhood; and one who had a priviledged childhood but who's so far inside the closet he couldn't find the door with a map and a flashlight.

It's a wonderful read and it's one of my 'ZOMG! Drop everything, there's an update' fics.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Tuesday Twister; Beautiful Dangerous by vampireisthenewblack

OK, so this one isn't exactly a story with a twist but it's definitely twisted.
Like original plots? Enjoy a little slash occasionally? Love the old JxE dynamic?

Then run, don't walk, run to read Beautiful Dangerous (ff net link is here) by vampireisthenewblack. There's only two chapters so far, but it's definitely worth reading and adding to your list. While you're there go check out some of the other stories because damn, what a writer. This is AH with a side of bloodletting, Psychoward and serial killer, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Teaser from Ch1

He dragged the petals away again, down his arm, to his wrist. "How about here?" And then swiftly, he struck the stem across the inside of his wrist.
The hooked thorns tore into his skin with an audible ripping noise. He barely flinched. Blood welled, flowed down his fingers, dripped to the floor.
He raised his arm slowly, twisting his wrist and gazing at the wound as if in wonder, as crimson fluid oozed and began to flow the other way. And then just as slow, he brought his eyes to mine as he pressed his ring finger to his lower lip, reddening it with his own blood. He sucked the finger into his mouth.
I gasped, my heart threatening to burst with need for him. His lips so red, I had to taste them, to taste him. My eyes flicked to his in a silent question, and he released his finger and raised his chin, parting his lips in invitation.
I closed the short space between us, and clutching his bleeding wrist in one hand I captured his lips with mine, letting my tongue sweep the colour from his mouth, taking every last drop from his lips and tongue.
"For you," he whispered, lowering his wrist to his hip. "On your knees. I want you to taste me, drink my blood."
My wildest dreams had come true. Jasper was different, he offered me his blood before I'd taken his body. That had never happened before, never with any of the others, and it struck me blind and dumb with gratitude and love for him.
I dropped to my knees before him and took his offering in my hands. His warmth flowed over my fingers as well, and I lowered my lips to his wrist, lapping and sucking with abandon. Blood smeared my lips and face, but I didn't care. My eyes drifted closed as his free hand found my head, fingers weaving into my hair, encouraging me.
I was engulfed in his sweetness.
He gripped my hair tightly, pulling, and then a blinding pain shot through me, as if I'd been struck by lightning. I fell, floated, heard faint words through the fog.
"Sick fuck."
And then nothing.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Twilight & History

For those who are interested in the period aspects of the vampires in Twilight you might want to checkout 'Twilight and History' by Nancy Reagin.

I stumbled across it when I was searching for the name of Maria's sire and what little I read looked interesting if only for the fac that there's a big old chunk devoted to our favourite Major. I make no claims whatever about the accuracy of any of the content. I do intend to read the chapter about 'Jasper Hale; The Oldest Living Confederate Veteran' though, if only to see if they can shed any light on the 'age & date of change' connundrum.

It's available for partial reading on Google books online. I will be checking to see if it's in my local library.

Incidentally, the 'look inside' versions on Amazon have a timeline comparison of human -vs- Twilight history from the creation of the Volturi onwards.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Voting is Now Open


Just a quick reminder that voting is now open for the Rare Gem Awards over on Sparkleteers.

My fic 'Behind Enemy Lines' has been nominated in the 'Diamond in the Rough' category for 'Most Original Storyline' and it's the only story in that category that isn't a ExB fic.

Voting can be done here (ctrl+F and search for Jazzella if you're going to vote for me - it takes ages to scroll down and find it) and thanks so much to the twenty plus readers who've already voted and put it into (currently) second place. There's a long way to go yet as the polls are open for another 10 days, but it would be lovely to see JxB fic get placed wouldn't it? *hint hint*

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Tuesday Twister: Beautiful Disaster by Jasper's CHerry

I love a story with a good twist, but I love it even more when a story has such an unusual beginning that it grabs me immediately and forces me to read it.

'Beautiful Disaster' by Jasper's Cherry is one of these fics.

It's a 3,500 word one-shot so I won't even give you a clue because anything I said would ruin it. Suffice it to say that it's a Jasper/Bella fic and I almost regret it being a one shot because it really would have been an interesting premise for a longer story. It has everything you could want; evil Alice & Edward, Rose & Emmett on Team Jasper, a quick visit to Peter & Charlotte and the most unusual and original circumstances for Jasper I've ever seen.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Behind Enemy Lines Ch4 Teaser

This is a Jasper/Bella 'Twilight:New Moon' Fanfic for NaNoWriMo.
Currently being cross-posted to and TwiWrite.

Rated M for strong language, dark themes and naughty thoughts while staring at Jasper's butt.
Nominated in the Sparkleteer Rare Gem Awards - Most Original Storyline
Main Chars: Jasper, Bella, Darkward, Esme
Pairings: Edward/Bella, later Jasper/Bella
Genre: Angst/Mystery/Romance
Beta'd by: Cowgirl_Amber & Dangerkitty

Teaser: From Chapter 4 - Black Ops & Intrigue (Unedited)


I had just dropped Rosalie off at the pick up gate with our bags and driven the Porsche over to long term parking, when my cell phone rang.

“Hi Jazzy! We’ve just arrived at Sea-Tac and Emmett rang Rose to say he’ll be here in twenty minutes. We’ll be in Denali by nightfall and Carlisle, Esme and Edward should be there around midnight.”

There was a chuckle on the other end of the line. “Is there ever any point in me callin’ to tell you anything?”

“Not really. Though you do manage to surprise me sometimes,” I laughed.

“Well, just so I don’t feel like I wasted my credit, I’m going to tell you anyway. Edward is coming with you because Eleazar wants him to check out Laurent’s intentions toward Irina. I’ll be staying here with Bella, which I’m sure he won’t be happy about.”

“Actually, the whole Irina-Laurent thing is entirely Esme and Carmen’s idea in order to get Bella some space from Edward whose overprotective hounding is giving her cabin fever. Laurent is just using Irina, which is fine because she’s using him. Edward is going to be livid about you staying but don’t say anything, it’ll work out. You’ll need to remind Bella to eat around lunchtime or she’ll forget and take the scenic route on the 19/20 towards Anderson Lakes on the way back. You can hunt, Bella can nap and you’ll avoid a two hour tailback on the 104.”

There was silence from the other end of the phone as my corrections sank in then a familiar sigh. ”Anythin’ else I need to know”’

“I’ll miss you?” I replied sweetly as I pulled my lipstick from my bag and began to put on a fresh coat.

“I’ll miss you too sweetheart. I have to admit though…” he trailed off a little, searching for words that wouldn’t offend me.

“You’re looking forward to getting to know Bella because you find her interesting, and you’re ecstatic that you’ll finally have someone around to share your tedious taste in hobbies?”

Jasper chuckled again. “Yeah. Somethin’ like that.”

-end teaser-

Thursday, 11 November 2010

My Current Top Ten JxB TwiFics

I love reading TwiFics and my favourites are Jasper/Bella, vamp/human ones.

This is my top 10 from my current reading list. There's so many awesome ones out there right now that I could probably write another top 10 list tomorrow, but these are the ones I squeal about when I see an update in my inbox.

They are in no particular order, they are ALL worth reading for Jasper/Bella fans. Some of these authors have more than one story going in tandem so I picked the one I would read first if two alerts came to my inbox at the same time. Do check out their other fics as well.

1. The Butterfly Effect - HammerHips (cross posted to TwiWrite)
One of the most unique stories around at the moment. Jasper kills a human girl called Evie and her ghost takes pity on him. Evie herself is one of the single most unique characters I've seen.

2. The Quiet Room - Givemesomevamp
Heartbreaking storyline, hilarious internal dialogues from Bella, Peter being a lovable jackass and a God of War. What more could a girl ask for?

3. Saving Bella - Mynxi
No, but no one, writes Doucheward like Mynxi does. This story will make you laugh, make you cry and occasionally make you shout at your screen.

4. Conversations With My Killer - Oracle Vas
What's that you say? You want some nice, dark, don't-give-a-hoot Jasper, who tells it like it is and suffers no fools? And you want Bella to get a backbone and see the reality of her situation? And at the same time you want to know what the Cullen's are really hiding? You better get reading then.

5. The Art of Redemption - Cowgirl Amber (cross posted to TwiWrite)
It's 4 years later. Bella has pulled up her big girl panties, developed a backbone and now works in a bar in New Mexico. Jasper is struggling still and being a bit emosper while Peter and Charlotte try to pull him out of it with a night on the town. Girl meets Vamp and... well it's early days but it's already an interesting ride.
Disclaimer: I'm a little biased because Amber's my beta and, as of this week, I'm hers. But I actually started reading and favourited this story before she offered to be my beta, so no bias there, I promise.

6. A Beautiful Mess - kO haLe yeS
They're on the run from James and Bella, Alice & Jasper are staying in the hotel. She ogles him,  he ogles her and as the title suggests a beautiful mess of angst unfolds from there.

7. Bound By Promises - JaspersIzzy
No one writes Darksper like Izzy and this is Darksper at his finest. She promises a HEA but it's going to be a bumpy ride for both Bella and Jasper, if the first few chapters are anything to go by.

8. Thirteen - Karen E Teague
Jasper gets his Psych Doctorate and guess who he bumps into? This story is dark and will pull on your hearstrings. It also has some of the most original characters I've seen in TwiFics.

9. Someday - duskri123
Everyone has secrets and Jasper knows everyone's. How will Bella react once she's clued in to the reality of the seemingly perfect world Cullen family? And what is Bella's secret? No one can mess around with poor Jasper's head like Duskri.

10. The Threads of Our Souls - Untamed Loner
If you want a truly original JxB fic with plenty of cliff hangers, this is the fic for you. It's totally original storyline reveals some interesting truths about the real relationship between Jasper and Bella and if it doesn't keep you on the edge of your seta, nothing will.

Got some recommendations? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing about new ones.