Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Easter!

For all of you who celebrate it, Happy Easter. For everybody else, Happy Chocolate and Hard-boiled Egg Day.

For the wifey, I's so sawwy.

Friday, 22 April 2011

FanFuc Friday: Jackson ♥ The Pout Edition

Worship the pout. You know you wanna... ;)

Zooey TV

Testing, testing... 1,2,3....

Dk is without a computer so I am testing this Blogger app on my phone.... feel free to ignore me and wait for the Jazzgasm that Jazzella has in store....

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

BEL: The Chapter About Goldilocks and the Bear

We already know that Emmett is some kind of vampire-ninja-uber spy, but we haven't really seen him in action yet, other than trying to help Jasper. As for Rose, all we really know about her is what we've learned from Emmett and that she too considered planting the razorblade.

I thought it was time to get her perspective on a few things, see what she thinks of what's going on around her and try to figure out where she fits in. Also, who doesn't love Emmy bear?

This chapter is pivotal because these two have almost as far to go as Bella and Jasper, but for a very different reason. If you've been following closely, this chapter will tell you who they're both working for and where they're headed next. If not, you're going to have to wait a bit longer to find out what they're really up to. Though we'll be hearing from Rose again next chapter.

The key point at the moment is the phonecalls. Bella received one and made one to Peter; Edward made one; Rose received one; but it's all confused by the time overlap... who's calling whom? And more importantly, why?


What is Rose really up to? Why is she heading back to Forks? Is she the reinforcements sent in by Peter? Or does she have a darker plan in mind? It all hinges on that phonecall...

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Friday, 8 April 2011

FanFuc Friday: Jackson ♥ The Cute Edition

Altogether now... awwwww!

Gotta love a boy who loves kids and animals, right?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

BEL: The Chapter in Which The Villain Returns

Yup, Eddie's back and he's as deluded as ever, with a side of barking mad. *snickers*

The chapter is a little jumbled, just like his head and he's starting to unravel just a tad. Deluded, dangerous and in denial is a bad combo. Now he's adding an unhealthy dose of rage to the mix. Where will it take him?

I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

In other news, I've decided to move to a fortnightly posting schedule. Next posting will be 19th April and every other Tuesday after that. I know there are a lot of you who love the weekly updates and during the winter it was fine to do them, but now it's spring, my day job needs more of my time, and my beta & pre-reader need a bit more breathing space while the nice weather is about so the kids can get outside and do stuff.

See you in two weeks ;)

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Friday, 1 April 2011

FanFuc Friday: Jackson ♥ Sex Hair... *squee*

For those who haven't seen it yet. Prepare to *ded* in a serious way. Don't you just want to grab hold of that hair...?

*Disclaimer: poster is not responsible for any damage sustained by your keyboard when you drool over it.